Exit Bond Cleaning Brisbane QLD

Oh My Cleaning Brisbane services are specialists in providing Bond cleaning services Brisbane. It has been more than 10 years now, we are serving in Brisbane. Our hardworking and professional cleaners will be there on time who specialize in providing all bond cleaning Brisbane needs. We are the top 5 rated companies in Brisbane with the success rate of 100% full money back.

Oh My Cleaning services Brisbane works 7 days week. Our bond cleaning checklist is approved by the landlord agencies. We do guarantee 100% satisfaction so that if you are not happy, we will come back and fix it.

So if you don’t want to worry and hassle of getting your bond money back then you have arrived to the right company to trust with.

  • End of Leaese cleaning
  • (Bond & Exit cleaning) from $219
  • 1 bed property from $219
  • 2 bed property from $259
  • 3 bed property from $319
  • 4 bed property from $419

Low Price, High Quality Cleaning Services Bring your property up to the standard conditions agents expect to receive a full bond refund “Guarantee your satisfaction!” (If the agent raises any issues about the cleaning we guaranteed to re-attend the property within 48h).